Fair Trader of Australia
The Elephant Emporium has been endorsed as a Fair Trader of Australia (FToA) by the Fair Trade Association of Australia and New Zealand.
The Fair Trade of Australia and New Zealand is a member driven not for profit organization. Members support the global Fair Trade movement seeking to challenge conventional trade by placing fairness in prices and wages, improved market access, and poverty alleviation at the core of international trade practices, both locally and beyond.
What is a Fair Trader of Australia?
Fair Traders of Australia (FToA) are businesses endorsed by the Fair Trade Association as having Fair Trade at the core of all they do.
The Association manages and promotes an endorsement programme of members based on the global WFTO 10 Principles of Fair Trade
Applicants undergo a detailed assessment process to determine if they are following best Fair Trade practice across their business.
If this independent assessment is successful, they may use the Fair Trader of Australia logo to promote their business and gain consumer credibility.
Endorsement and review encourages businesses to continually reflect and develop best practice in Fair Trade management.