Save Elephant Foundation Australia
The Elephant Emporium directly supports Save Elephant Foundation Australia (SEFA), the Australian voice and support for Save Elephant Foundation, a not for profit organistaion dedicated to providing care and assistance to S.E Asia captive elephant population through a multifaceted approach involving local community outreach, rescue and rehabilitation programs, and educational ecotourisim operations.
Save Elephant Foundation was founded by Saengduean “Lek” Chailert often referred to as Thailand’s “Elephant Whisperer”. Lek has dedicated her life to the endangered Asian Elephant and has been honoured by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in 2010 as one of six Women Heros of Global Conservation together with being named one of Times Magazine Heros of Asia in 2005 and Ford Foundation’s “Hero of the planet” in 2001.
Each one of Save Elephant Foundations flagship projects such as Elephant Nature Park (ENP) located in Chiang Mai, Northern Thailand is dedicated to caring for rescued Asian elephants from the tourism and illegal logging industries and also providing shelter and care for many other animals that have abandoned or recused.
The Elephant Emporium promotes and sells Elephant Nature Park (ENP) coffee and other official merchandise and gives back all profit from the sale of these products to Save Elephant Foundation Australia.